Thursday, June 20, 2019

Describe how European colonists' relations with these populations Essay

Describe how European colonists relations with these populations - Essay ExampleSince, the 15th and 16th centuries, the western powers were in a scrabble to show dominance every in Europe or in foreign countries by the way of acquiring more territories. As such, they were in a competition for power inwardly European power politics.1 However, even as they did this, they encountered opposition to their plans inform of military resistance and political and diplomatic responses. Ideally, the western powers interacted with the colony populations in through true(a) colonialism, slave trade, and missionary relations that encompassed religious intrusions. Generally, colonialism involved unequal relationships between the European colonialists and the indigenous population. Such relations have been marred with violent acts. This results from the point that the colonial rulers make fundamental decisions on behalf of the colonies with an aim of fulfilling their interests and denouncing the in digenous peoples interests. This leads to political conflicts and disharmony in the colonies. Additionally, the quest to bring to a concentrate control of a vast number of territories jeopardizes the diverse cultures involved and thus the political conflicts.In matters relating to slavery, European colonialists captured and sold Africans to other European traders. This was probably the superlative source of conflict between the colonialists and the indigenous people. The manner in which this process was carried was inhumane and thusly the disharmony in their relations. Indeed, the European colonialists looked down on Africas rich cultures by mistreating them and subjecting them to slavery. Moreover, they sought to have them denounce their culture and adopt the western culture that did not augur well with the indigenous people hence the continued political conflicts and disharmony. Additionally, even the missionaries contributed a lot to the rise of political conflict between the E uropean

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