Saturday, June 15, 2019

Men and Women in Contemporary America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Men and Wo manpower in Contemporary America - Essay ExampleThe paper will also look at those roles that have non changed and how it is affecting both male and females. Over the years, gender roles have changed tremendously. Long time ago it was the men who were tasked with the province of standing for their families. Women were never allowed to hire in any(prenominal)(prenominal) economic activities. This has, however, changed due to the rise in the cost of living. Men have at a time been forced to allow their wives to work so that they can help fend for their families. Some women have even gone further and claimed high managerial positions. Being head of an organization, they have to give out orders to their subordinates. Some of their subordinates happen to be men. This has forced men to accept that women can take up leadership positions in various organizations (Sudha 65). The need for two incomes in a family has forced women to engage in economic activities so that they ca n be able to compliment the income of their husbands. This has forced women to toss out some of their traditional duties which included winning care of the children, taking care of the home and making sure that everything is in order. When they take up the role of complimenting their husbands income they are forced to employ, house helps who have now had to play some of the roles of a wife. Cleaning the house, taking care of children and preparing meals are some of these chores. Women have recently left their traditional roles and are now actively involved in economic activities so as to support their incomes. Sometimes women find themselves as the sole bread winners of the family. This has had an effect on their husbands who have to be left at home to take care of children and perform household chores. When the woman is the breadwinner the man is usually forced to take up some of the roles that were traditionally played by women. They are forced to stay back at home and take care of the family. When women are breadwinners in their families, they are forced to abandon some of the activities they used to perform. They are forced to let their husbands to play some the duties they used to perform with the help of a housewife. They will take up the responsibility of providing for their families. This is never an easy task, however, but they are usually left with no other alternatives (Das and Vijay 78). Long time ago women were never allowed to go to school. However, this has become something of the past. The political relation has made sure that every boy and girl attends school. This is because school equips us with vital skills that vital skills that we can be able to use in the future. prepare happens to be one of the places where competition is embraced. There are also various levels of education in our educational system. Some women are more educated than men (Wayne 92). That is they are highly qualified when it comes to sourcing for jobs. This has had a n effect on mens egos. They are, therefore, forced to be competitive so as to keep up with men. juvenile research has shown that women are highly educated than men. It is high time that men stepped up their game and ensured they are able to compete with women academically. Research has shown that men affright women who are usually highly educated than them. Women who are more learned than men are usually open to numerous job opportunities. This has enabled them to quit some of their traditional roles. As they say, education is the key to success. These women who are more

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