Saturday, June 1, 2019

Power of Nuclear Energy Essay -- Nuclear Reactor Breeders

AbstractThe use of nuclear energy is a big topic for debate. Many countries have fully embraced it while others, such as the U. S., havent. Nuclear energy is feared for its danger and scorned because of its wastes. On the other hand, nuclear energy does have some pros like cheaper cost of energy and environmentally safe. Reactor breeders show great promise in nuclear waste, but are it enough to convince the nation?IntroductionNuclear knowledge has existed for a long time. Nuclear Engineering U.S. Department of Energy relates, By 1900, the physicists knew the atom contains large quantities of energy (par 11). Many others formed good theories, such as Ernest Rutherford and originators contribution with his equation E=mc2. In 1934 a physicist known as Enrico Fermi conducted an experiment that resulted in the splitting of atoms. In 1938 2 scientists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, conducted an experiment that was the beginning of a new realization in the nuclear world. Nuclear Enginee ring U.S. Department of Energy describes, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman fired neutrons from a source containing the elements atomic number 88 and beryllium into uranium (atomic number 92) (par 15). The experiment resulted in a new and unexpected out come. The elements that were naturally produced during such experiments weighed only a little little than uranium whereas, this time the elements were around half as light. They shared their information with Lise Meitner who studied the out come with Neils Bohr and her nephew Otto R. Frisch. The three of them concluded that the light weighted elements were the results ofThe fountain of Nuclear Energy 3the uranium splitting also known as fission. Lise Meitner proved this theory using Einsteins theory.Bo... ...ear energy has some faults, but along with it nuclear energy has many advantages. People need to put aside the fears of nuclear plant that have grown out of tragedies and scares such as Three Miles Island and the Chernobyl Nucle ar Power Plant explosion. The Chernobyl has been the only plant that has caused destruction out of over six decades of nuclear power. The nuclear waste earth-closet be reused to form more energy using breeder reactors solving most of the waste problem. The cost of nuclear energy are lower than the costs for most other forms of energy. Nuclear energy is constant and not seasonal like solar or wind energy. It is environmentally safe for animals and people liveness near by. Nuclear energy does not contribute to nuclear energy like coal produced energy. It would be a smart pretend for our country to move in the direction towards a more nuclear powered nation.

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