Friday, June 7, 2019

Differnent types of document creating software Essay Example for Free

Differnent types of document creating softw are EssayLayering when within the same file you place images stacked on top of each other Template- a well-worn document with pre-set layouts and formats. Justification adding extra spaces to text to align the edges so that the lines begin / end at the same place on a page . You tail end left / right / centre / fully justified Orientation which way the page is orientated landscape or portrait Wizard- a substance abuser interface which presents the user with a sequence of dialogue boxes which guide the user through the task . Font style- a set of printable /displayable text character/s in a specific style and size.Footer an area set aside at the bottom of each page Mail merge a word processing feature that allows users to personalise letters with names/addresses from a database Web-authoring software a nett authoring package that is designed to allow you to create web pages and web sites Resizing alter the size of an image Rotating moving Shearing putting two images together to make an optical illusion Cropping removing parts you dont want Editing- changing or correcting 5 features of a PPT that could NOT be used in a indite report 1. Audio 2. Images.3. Sound 4. act upon 5. Animations Spell check is used to highlight incorrect pieceings so they raft be corrected . Compares words entered with words in a dictionary. After spell check the documents like needs to be proof-read because even if the spellings are right , the sentence may not make sense. 3 features of web authoring software you could use to create a website Creating headings and subheadings Inserting links Views standard (similar to word processor screen) , code view (HTML) , Split view (Both views) Ways to transfer images from a database to a website duplicate and pasting Importing detent stands for Computer aided design . It is the use of technology for designs . It is usually used by architects . Buildings can be designed using i t. CAD advantages You can be more accurate than hand drawing You can save/ edit ideas so its easier/cheaper to modify You can edit quick ideas which saves time. Describe 3 features of DTP software that could be used when designing a leaflet 1. Text- can be styled using fonts and colours 2. Background colours- can be changed for blocks of text/images. 3.Page layout templates- each page can have the same layout. Describe 3 features of a website that enable customers to purchase goods online Theres a shopping cart where you can add all your items and theres a total sum Theres an option to set up an account this is so returning customers do not need to re-enter information Between the retailers website and the bank the payment is made , the data is encrypted. Describe 5 features of word-processing software you might use to make the information clearer text wrapping the text can be arranged an image so its easier to read. bluff Italics Underlining text Colours Web 2. 0 is the point at which the Internet became truly interactive, with users becoming the most important component of many sites. This benefits as they are able to get Greater knowledge and better marketing. Applications that use this are RSS and Twitter. Describe how you can use ICT to create and use charts when presenting data from a spreadsheet. You can enter all your information into an excel document with all the headings along the top and the information in rows below.Then you select all the cells containing information and go to insert and thence select the chart you want. Once the chart has been added in you can go to chart design and modify the chart . What is the most satisfactory type of software for each of these task Write a letter to customers word processing software Create a leaflet about tennis lessons- DTP Create a web page that allows customers to place orders online- Web Authoring Software Editing digital images graphics software Storing students details- Data discussion softwar ePresent information to sales staff presentation software Produce a mail-merged series of letters Database CAM- Computer aided design is a software used by engineers and architects to control machine tools in the manufacturing of work pieces. You can create a precise drawing on CAD and then make that 2D design physical by using CAM to make the object. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Communications section.

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